Bezbednosni aspekti upravljanja rizicima u katastrofama izazvanim šumskim požarima
Security aspects of risk management in disasters caused by forest fires
katastrofe, šumski požari, klimatske promene, prevencija, jačanje kapacitetaAbstract
U prethodnom periodu javila se značajna opasnost od izbijanja i širenja šumskih požara, kako u svetu tako i kod nas. Pored ljudskog faktora, kao najčešćeg uzročnika, sve veći rizik za pojavu vanrednih situacija ove prirode javlja se usled klimatskih promena. Pod uticajem visokih temperatura, tokom prethodnih meseci došlo je do šumskih požara velikih razmera na području Turske, Grčke, SAD, Srbije. Poseban problem javlja se ukoliko požar nastane pod uticajem ljudskog faktora, a usled nepovoljnih klimatskih uslova dođe do njegovog nekontrolisanog širenja. Ukoliko se ne saniraju pravovremeno, šumski požari mogu se značajno proširiti i dovesti do uništavanja životne sredine, kao i do ugrožavanja ljudskih života i materijalnih dobara. Prilikom pojave događaja ove prirode, od značaja su vremenski uslovi koji mogu doprineti dodatnom širenju opasnosti (vetar, visoka temperatura, sušno vreme i sl.) Različita istraživanja predviđaju povećanje globalne temperature u narednim decenijama. Imajući u vidu da je rešenje za klimatske promene i povećanje globalne temperature proces koji zahteva da prođe određeno vreme, potrebno je raditi na prevenciji i jačanju kapaciteta za odgovor na vanredne i hitne situacije. Takođe, značajno je organizovati obuke i edukativne programe i na taj način uticati da građani izgrade svest o posledicama koje može ostaviti njihovo neodgovorno postupanje, koje može dovesti do izbijanja požara u prirodi.
In the previous period, there was a significant danger of outbreaks and the spread of forest fires, both in the world and in our country. In addition to the human factor, as the most common cause, the increasing risk of emergencies of this nature occurs due to climate change. Under the influence of high temperatures, large-scale forest fires occurred in the previous months in Turkey, Greece, the USA, and Serbia. A special problem occurs if the fire is caused by human factors, and due to unfavorable climatic conditions, it spreads uncontrollably. If not remedied in a timely manner, forest fires can significantly spread and lead to the destruction of the environment, as well as endangering human lives and material goods. When events of this nature occur, weather conditions are important, which can contribute to the additional spread of danger (wind, high temperature, dry weather, etc.). Various studies predict an increase in global temperature in the coming decades. Bearing in mind that the solution to climate change and the increase in global temperature is a process that requires a certain amount of time, it is necessary to work on prevention and strengthening the capacity to respond to emergencies and emergencies. It is also important to organize training and educational programs and in that way influence the citizens to build awareness of the consequences that their irresponsible actions can leave, which can lead to the outbreak of fires in nature.
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