Teorijsko i normativno-pravno određenјe civilne odbrane i civilna zaštite
Theoretical and normative-legal determination of civil defense and civil protection
bezbednost, civilna odbrana, civilna zaštita, vanredne situacije, teorijsko određenje, normativno-pravnoAbstract
Osnovni cilј i namena ovog teksta je upoznavanje šire čitalačke, naučne i stručne javnosti sa pojmom i suštinom civilne odbrane i civilne zaštite, različitim teorijskim i pravnim pristupima i elaboracijama (užim i širim) koje idu u prilog jasnog definisanja ovih termina i ukazivanje na razlike jednog od drugog, kao i različitost od drugih sličnih termina kao što su, civilna bezbednost, civilno planiranje za vanredne situacije i slično. U teorijskim analizama i elaboracijama koja se tiču civilne odbrane sadržaj i obim te sintagme nije još uvek precizno i jasano razgraničen od ostalih sličnih pojmova. Mogu se uočiti težnje za korišćenje mnogobrojnih pojmova kao što su, civilna zaštita, civilna bezbednost, privredna odbrana, odbrana civila, pasivna zaštita, nacionalna ili alternativna odbrana, civilno planiranje za vanredne situacije. Ovakav specifičan izbor reči i pojmova obično nije slučajan. On ne samo da govori ono što autori misle i žele da kažu, nego vrlo često govori o stanju i shvatanjima društvenih grupa koje se tim terminima služe, pa čak i o društvu unutar koga su termini u opticaju. Zbog toga je važno i neophodno da se sadržaj ovoga teksta posvetiti kompleksnoj teorijskoj i pravnoj analizi i obrazloženju sintagme civilna odbrana i civilna zaštita, i istorijskoj epohi koja je, povrh ostalog, iznedrila potrebu, sadržaj i smisao jednog i drugog termina.
The main goal and purpose of this text are to acquaint the wider readership, scientific and professional public with the concept and essence of civil defense and civil protection, different theoretical and legal approaches and elaborations (narrower and broader) that support a clear definition of these terms and pointing out differences on the other, as well as the difference from other similar terms such as, civil security, civilian emergency planning and the like. In theoretical analyzes and elaborations concerning civil defense, the content and scope of that syntagm have not yet been precisely and clearly distinguished from other similar terms. There are tendencies to use many terms such as civil protection, civil security, economic defense, civilian defense, passive protection, national or alternative defense, civil emergency planning. This specific choice of words and terms is usually not accidental. He not only speaks what the authors think and want to say but very often talks about the state and understandings of social groups that use these terms and even about the society within which the terms are in circulation. Therefore, it is essential and necessary to dedicate the content of this text to the complex theoretical and legal analysis and explanation of the phrase civil defense and civil protection, and the historical epoch, which, among other things, gave rise to the need, content, and meaning of both terms.
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